Sunday 15 November 2015

Falling apart

I would give anything to have you back here mum. I'm sorry for the fall out between me and one of your other daughters, and I'm also sorry if I spoke out of turn but I'm struggling. I don't want to know a world without you in it. I know you would want your six girls to remain tightly knit but there are issues still going on from when you were here and I feel you're being let down. Not just by them but by me too and that's the bit I really care about, my behaviour. Others can worry about theirs but I can only worry about mine and I'm sorry that there is now a rift. We're letting you down and I'm so sorry. I'm falling apart. I want you back so so bad. I hope you are with nan and grandad, that they are once again looking after you, I too one day soon will be joining you. That much I can guarantee xxx

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