Friday 10 May 2013


...forgot I had this thing! Think I might just establish myself as a professional bloggette! Not that there would be an audience for my drivel but you never know, there just might be another loser out there just like me.
I am going to bang on about my garden for the foreseeable future. Sorry about dat! Only I've dug up half of it and seeded it so I'm going to keep you lovely twats err I mean people in the loop. I'm sure the highlight of your day will be to check the progress of my soon-to-be exquisite lawn. You know the drill: Get home after a long day at work, get all the monotonous chores out the way, watch a bit of porn um that should have said Sky Atlantic, oops and then put the dastardly kids to bed. Then, all of a sudden, you A) Realise you haven't checked my lawn yet or B) Didn't forget about my 'to die for' lawn but wanted to save that special moment for when the lil shits are in bed so when that magic moment arrives and you're sat at your PC, all that day's stresses and strains simply melt away when you glimpse the status of my not-yet-established lawn (can you imagine that?!?!). So yes, I will be sure to keep y'all updated. Just need to figure out a name for her. Lola. Love that name! (God can you imagine naming every single blade of grass?? Now that would be silly).
Btw, the pic is supposed to be positioned that way. Thought I'd be considerate and give you a lil neck stretch. Oh and also, it appears that I may have seeded the slabs a wee bit. That wasn't intentional. Who da feck seeds slabs?!?! Tossers.
Ok so someone turned the pic the right way up. Feel a bit silly now.

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