Thursday 16 May 2013

My eyes are...

...bigger than my belly! Not literally you understand. Gawd I wish that was the case! It's a double edged sword though isn't it? Because if my belly was the same size as one of my eyes, I don't think I'd be physically able to down a Big Mac or two would I? So hmmm. Tiny belly vs Big Mac...gonna put that one to BBC QT.

Well I have an update on my lawn. There is no facking update, you know why? 'Cos there still is no facking lawn! Wth. No new growth. Nothing. Nadda. So which one of you lil fkers sabotaged it? 'fess up! I will hunt you daaaaaaannnn & gut you like a fiiiisshhhhh! Err anyway, I spy no green stuff :( Why won't it grow damnit. I WANT GRASS!!

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