Saturday 17 October 2015

Awful times

Words simply cannot convey how I am feeling right now. I lost my beautiful mother recently and I can't see how I am going to get through this. My mind, even now, cannot seem to comprehend the enormous loss I have suffered. How do people get through this? How is it even possible? And why was my mum cruelly ripped away from this world? Leaving a wake of devastation behind her. How do we operate? My mum's life was cut short and I cannot get my head around this. It cuts deeper than u ever imagined and I am living my worst nightmare. All I can think is that if He had to take anyone, out of everyone He could have taken, why was it not me? It should have been me. I'm not strong enough to take this pain, I can't function without my mum, the woman who gave birth to me. Today is her birthday, she would have been 64. I don't know what to do with myself. What do I do? Where do I go? How do I go on? What if I can't go on, what will become of my family? So many questions but not any answers. I just want to be with my mum.

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