Tuesday 31 January 2012


So today is Tuesday and I have almost been stopped smoking 2 days now *snigger* ha! No, not really! I should've been born with feathers for I did not quit on Monday. Uh ut. I couldn't find my AC book and I wanted to read up some before stopping my bad habit but I only found it yesterday so I kinda figure that's as good an excuse as any to not stop on the day I said I would. So shoot me.
I AM stopping. But I have to feel partly ready so I have been having some great conversations with myself with regard to my smoking habit. They were awesome. I highly recommend it (talking with yourself).
 On a bum note, missed college today. First day back too! Wtf. Too personal to explain why on here so sod off. Oh, and I want to know who hid my MOT test certificate. It only went missing 'cos I really needed it today. However, if I didn't need it, it would have been glaring me in the face but no, the little fker went missing. Now I have to WALK to the PO tomorrow to get my tax 'cos I couldn't find it before PO closed. Oh, but hang on, I can't. No MOT cert! You can't even begin to imagine the hassle this has caused me for tomorrow. Sods law showing it's ass again. Well it can take it's stinky ass and fack off! Guess I'm going the online route...yeah, that's like a red rag to a bull 'cos ya just KNOW my internet is gonna cut out now! Ah well, can't win 'em all can ya?

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