Friday 10 June 2016

Fed up

Feel so down last couple of days, can't snap out of it. Things keep going wrong and I keep asking when is enough enough. When will all the bad shit end. Will there even be an end, I don't think so. Seems some people sail through life with plenty of good shit between the bad but me, it's the opposite. When will I be allowed a period longer than a fortnight without any bad shit happening? Even when I do things by the book bad shit still keeps happening. Waiting on my x ray results is stressful, just want to know if everything is clear. Other shit on my mind too and the biggest thing I'm struggling with is the loss of my mum. I feel so cheated. This world is fked up. It's my sister's wedding tomorrow and I'm not going, it's all so fked. Ever since mum passed away everything has gone to shit. How do you deal with such a loss? You can't. Maybe one day, in the distant future, other things might back off but not gonna hold my breath.

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