Saturday 2 September 2017


Feeling stressed, anxious, low, fed up, pointless and many other things. Trying really hard to not self harm right now. I've pretty much given up on life, given up on it giving me a break. Also trying really hard to not distance myself from family too. I have three sisters and I must not avoid them for another few months. Tomorrow is another day and it may be better than today. I will give tomorrow a chance. If things don't improve I might come off my tablets as I know it is these that are keeping me from finishing it all. I'm done with life. It's not for me, it's not a pleasant experience and I want out. Getting quite frustrated with myself for delaying my plans, I know how I'm going to do it I just need to do it. I might be missed for a little while but those I leave behind will carry on with their own lives at some point. They're probably better off without me anyway, I bring nothing but stress and negativity.